Nail Sizes Below
The most accurate way to achieve a correct fit is by using a Nail Sizing Kit.
All Nail Sizes, Shapes & Lengths differ from each other......
eg. If you order Short Stiletto and your thumb is size 0 it's possible it may be a size 1
in Long Stiletto
eg. If you order Medium Coffin and your middle finger is size 4 it's possible it may be a size 3
in Medium Almond.
Therefore it is important to measure for each Shape & Length.
If you don't have time to wait for your sizing kit you have the option to order a
24 piece set (2 of each size), no need to measure.
Measure your own nails as instructed below(not as accurate).
It is VERY important you double check your measurements before ordering,
It's up to you guys to correctly measure your nails, I will not be held responsible for wrong measurements or sizes ordered.
If you are having trouble trying to figure it out please let me know so I can help!